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Our Ideals

Who We Are and What We Believe

The Iowa Unity Coalition is not affiliated with any political party. We are an independent organization that promotes certain ideals, and we work to unify voters around these ideals. These ideals are—

guests at the Iowa Unity Coalition Legislative Breakfast


We believe in guaranteed healthcare for all.

Worker Rights

We believe workers have a right to safe working conditions. We believe in equal pay for equal work.

PreK-12 Education

We believe in guaranteeing quality and safe PreK-12 education in Iowa, regardless of where in the state one lives.

Higher Education

We believe vocational education, 2-year community college, and 4-year public universities in Iowa should be tuition-free for Iowa residents.

Community & Police

We believe in the need for measures that will improve relations between our police and the Iowa communities they serve.

Voter Rights

We believe in one person/one vote. We believe in taking measures that will increase rather than decrease eligible voter turnout.

Protecting the Environment

We believe in putting measures in place that will safeguard Iowa’s environment and ensure clean and safe drinking water.

Preventing Hunger

We believe in putting an end to hunger in Iowa.

Affordable Housing

We believe in taking measures to make housing in Iowa affordable for all.

Natural Disaster Recovery

We believe in providing our communities the resources needed to recover from natural disasters.

The above language was approved by the Membership-At-Large at the June 1st, 2021, Membership Meeting. The Coalition may, from time to time, amend these ideals through majority membership consent.

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